Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Change motherboard without reinstall windows XP - bluescreen - 0x0000007b

Using - ultimate boot cd

  1. Donwload latest version of UBCD4WIN Here.
  2. Create disc of UBCD4WIN and burn it.
  3. Restart pc with the cd
  4. Choose “Registry Tools >Fix HDC ”
  5. Choose “M” for option “Update Massstorage Drivers”.
  6. Reboot from hard drive
  7. Install new drivers

Using - Hiren boot cd

  1. Donwload latest version of Hiren here.
  2. Restart pc with the cd
  3. Choose mini Win
  4. Select wintools
  5. Choose “Registry Tools >Fix HDC ”
  6. Set target as your c:\windows
  7. Choose “M” for option “Update Massstorage Drivers”.
  8. Reboot from hard drive
  9. Install new drivers


Matan said...

Damnit mate, That works!!!
You just provided me a with a simple and excellent solution, that saved me hours of work.
I salute you brother!

Unknown said...

I take my Hirens form yepdownload.com/hirens-bootcd and after installing it on flash I have something to say. NEVER!!!! just memorize it, never install it with usb3.0 port!