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Monday, April 28, 2008
Call Back a Wrongly Sent Email in Outlook
Open Sent Items.
Open the sent email then go to Actions menu and click recall this message.
To replace the message:
Select Delete unread copies and replace with a new message, then type whatever you want to replace it. You can also see who the recall was succesful for.
To be notified about the success of the recall or replacement:
Check Tell me if recall succeeds or fails for each recipient.
For Office 2007/2010:
Open Sent Items.
Open the message you wish to recall
Go to the Ribbon.
In the Actions tab, click Other Actions and select Recall This Message.
Choose Delete unread copies of this message.
To see who the recall worked for, check the Tell me if recall succeeds or fails for each recipient.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Set system properties logo and information
On the ‘general’ tab of the ‘System Properties’ dialog (right click ‘My Computer’ and select ‘Properties’) will normally be displayed the manufacturer’s logo, company and support information (assuming these have bee set up). This note describes how to change this or set net information up from scratch.
There are two parts to updating that panel - the graphic and the text information.
To create the text information, create a text file named ‘OEMINFO.INI
’, and place it in ‘c:\winnt\system32
’ (or presumably ‘c:\windows\system32
’ for a Windows 9x variant). The format of the file is as follows:
Manufacturer=Some Manufacturer Name
[Support Information]
Line1=For Technical Support contact:
Line3=Manufacturer service dept.
The first section, "[general]", lists the information shown on the System Properties panel. This can take an optional additional line:
The second section, "[Support Information]", is optional. If added, then the "Support Information" button will appear. Clicking that button brings up a panel with the text listed.
Be aware that leading spaces are ignored, so if you want to indent some text then be sure to enclose it in quotes, for example:
Line1=For Technical Support contact:
Line3=Service dept.
Line4=" Tel: NNN..."
Comments can be added to the OEMINFO.INF
file, and these should be preceded by a semicolon ‘;’ for example:
; Information displayed in System Properties
To add the graphic, create a ‘.BMP’ file containing the graphic, name it ‘OEMLOGO.BMP
’, and place it in the ‘c:\winnt\system32
’ directory. Note that the logo will not appear unless the ‘OEMINFO.INI
’ file exists and has a ‘Manufacturer’ entry. The size of the graphic may need to be altered to get it to fit correctly in the allocated space. The BMP file should be an RGB BMP file sized about:
96 x 96 | Windows 95/98 small fonts |
120 x 120 | Windows 95/98 large fonts |
176 x 110 | Windows 2000 |
172 x 100 | Windows XP |
These sizes are taken from the Microsoft documentation, but there seems to be some degree of variation even on the same operating system so be prepared to tweak the size of the logo to fit best with your target system.
If all you want to do is to simply remove the manufacturer's logo and information then you can do this by simply deleting or renaming the OEMLOGO.BMP
Error: Could not start the DHCP Client Service on local computer
DHCP Client Service may not automatically. When you attempt to start the Service manually, the following error may be displayed:
Error: Could not start the DHCP Client Service on local computer
Error 1068: The dependency service or group failed to start.
The DHCP Client Service in Windows XP, depends on these three components:
- NetBios over Tcpip
- TCP/IP Protocol Driver
If one of the above drivers fail to start, then the DHCP Client Service may not start.
Step I - Make sure that the three driver files are present
Open Windows Explorer and navigate to %Windir%\System32\Drivers folder. Make sure that the following files are present in the folder:
- afd.sys
- tcpip.sys
- netbt.sys
If one or more of the above driver files are missing, extract them from the Windows XP CD-ROM or from the ServicePackFiles\i386 folder, whichever is the latest version.
If any other additional drivers or Services are mentioned in the DEPENDENCIES section, you need to remove them via the registry. Follow these steps:
- Click Start, Run and type Regedit.exe
- Navigate to the following branch:
- Backup the branch to a REG file
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ Dhcp
- Double-click DependOnService value and set its data as follows:
- Close Regedit.exe
Step III - Verify that the Dependency Service / components are running
Next step is to verify that the three dependency components are running. Follow the steps below:
- Click Start, Run and type DEVMGMT.MSC
- In the View menu, click Show hidden devices
- Double-click Non-Plug and Play drivers section
- Double-click the entry AFD, and click the Driver tab
- Set the Startup type to System.
- Start the service. Note down the error message if any.
- Similarly start the two other drivers namely:
- TCP/IP Protocol Driver
- NetBios over Tcpip
- Close Device Manager and restart Windows.
Change the Registered Organization/Owner of Windows XP
[Start] [Run] [Regedit]
Registry Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion
Modify/Create the Value Data Type(s) and Value Name(s) as detailed below.
Data Type: String Value // Value Name: RegisteredOrganization
Data Type: String Value // Value Name: RegisteredOwner
Setting for Value Data: [Modify the Values to Reflect Current Information]
Exit Registry and Reboot
Dell TFT - usb and card reader problems
* Power off the monitor
* Disconnect all cabling from the bottom and/or sides of the monitor (especially the power cord). Disconnecting the power cord releases all circuit latches "resetting" them
* Press and hold the monitor power button down for 5 seconds
* Reconnect only the monitor power cord and either the #1 blue VGA or #2 white DVI (not both)
* Power on the monitor
* The PC should already be on. The monitor should auto sense the #1 blue VGA or #2 white DVI. If it does not, press the Input Select button and change to #1 VGA or #2 DVI
Test the Card Reader and USB ports.
Problemas em Efectuar o LOGIN no WINDOWS XP.
utilizar qualquer programa com boot que dê para aceder ao registry.
Por exemplo: ERD Commander, hiren, ultimate, etc.
No registry:
Verificar - "userinit"
Verificar se o valor é "C:\WINDOWS\system32\userinit.exe"
Se não estiver igual a linha de cima, basta apenas colocar de igual forma e ficará o problema resolvido.
Error codes and it's descriptions
open command line and write:
net helpmsg "error_number"
it will give you description
Outlook Attach file: "Can't create file"
"Can't create file : FAX.TIF. right-click the folder you want to create the file in, and then click Properties on the shorcut menu to chec your permissions for the folder.
Utiliza o REGEDIT.EXE e localiza a chave:
My Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\9.0\Outlook\Security
Altera a chave "OutlookSecureTempFolder", mudando "Temporary Internet Files" por "Temp". Por exemplo:
VALOR ANTIGO: C:\Documents and Settings\ricardosilva\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK33\ (pode ser diferente de 33)
VALOR NOVO: C:\Documents and Settings\ricardosilva\Local Settings\Temp\OLK33\
Reinicia Microsoft Outlook.
Image resizer - powertoy windows xp
regsvr32 shimgvw.dll
regsvr32 %Systemroot%\system32\phototoys.dll
Enable the NUM LOCK key for the logon screen
Run Registry Editor (Regedt32.exe).
Navigate to HKEY_USERS\.Default\Control Panel\Keyboard.
Change the value for InitialKeyboardIndicators from 0 to 2.