Montagem e Reparação de computadores. Recuperação de dados. Suporte à sua empresa. Solicite já um orçamento! Contacte:
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
XP não inicia após update do AVG - reboots sucessivos
Users who followed the advice of the AVG software program were greeted with a Blue Screen of Death as soon as they clicked on the Heal button to remove the virus. Any attempts to boot the system afterwards failed because of the missing file. AVG was quick to react and released another update that corrected the issue.
This does not help those users who already cleaned the file in Windows.
Here is the official information on how to fix the system for those users:
The system can be restored by following the steps in one of the comments on forum (using safe mode or recovery console and copying c:\windows\system32\dllcache\user32.dll into the right location)
If you need to restore deleted files from AVG Virus Vault you can do it this way:
- Open AVG user interface.- Choose “Virus Vault” option from the “History” menu.- Locate the file that was incorrectly removed and select it (one click).- Click on the “Restore” button.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Set the default Zoom Level in Internet Explorer 7
I upgraded to IE 7. The zoom begins @ 100% each time I start IE. I want it to be 75% but cannot make it default to it. Do you know how to do this?
By default, Internet Explorer 7 resets the Zoom level to 100% for every new window and new tab opened. To preserve your Zoom Level setting, use these steps:
Open Internet Explorer
From the Tools menu, choose Internet Options
Select the Advanced tab
Under Accessibility, deselect the following option:
Reset Zoom level to 100% for new windows and tabs
Click OK
The user specified Zoom level setting must be preserved from now on.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Scroll wheel doesn't work on Excel 2007
Uninstall mouse and reinstall it.
Update office 2007 and Windows.
Reboot Computer
On control panel, double click on mouse.
after update you should have two wheel tabs.
in one of them you have the option "enable universal scrolling"
click exceptions.
click add and browse.
look for excel path.
"c:\program files\microsoft office\office12\excel.exe"
click ok three times.
test it. it should be ok now.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Change Windows Vista Boot Screen
All you need is two images at 800×600 and 1024×768 saved as 24-bit windows bitmaps. Then follow these steps:
- Download Dan Smith’s Vista Boot Logo Generator.
- Install and run from the link in the Start Menu.
- Hit Browse for image and select both the 800×600 and 1024×768 resolution bitmap files for your boot screen.
- Click on File and select Save Boot Screen File as and save your file.
- Next, you will need to replace the winload.exe.mui file in c:\Windows\System32\en-us with the one you just created. Before you copy in your new file, make a backup of the original. You will need to take ownership of all files in en-us as well as give your account file permissions to replace the file as well in order to copy the new winload.exe.mui file in.
- Click on the start orb and type in “MSCONFIG” in the textbox.
- Once the System Configuration tool loads, click on the Boot tab.
- Under Boot Options check “No GUI Boot”.
- Hit OK and reboot to see the new screen.
After go through the step, You can view your new windows vista boot scree. If you facing some booting problems with Windows vista, You can use the windows vista install CD boot up to replace the winload.exe.mui file with your backup.
Add Logo And Support Information to Vista
You will also need a small logo of the company or other entity you want to display.
Please follow these instructions:
The Logo
You will need to create a small logo of your choice by using any graphics editing tools.
Make sure that the logo file is called OEMLOGO.BMP, and, guess what, save it in .BMP format.
Also, the logo file should not be bigger than 120X120 pixels in size.
You can place the file in any directory of your choice, but I suggest you put it in the
%systemroot%\system32 folder of your computer (for example - C:\Windows\System32).
Note this path, you'll need it later.
The Registry
The next phase is to edit the local Registry and add the support information.
1. In the Start Menu type “Regedit” and press Enter.
Note: As always, be very careful while the editing the Registry.
A small mistake can cause huge damage that will prevent you from booting the computer.
If you don’t know what the Registry is, how to edit it and how to back it up, please consult with a
skilled IT professional.
2. Navigate to the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\OEMInformation
3. If the OEMInformation key does not exist you will need to create it.
Right Click the CurrentVersion key and from the drop down menu click New > Key.
In the Key dialogue box type OEMInformation and then press Enter.
4. Next, create the following keys and modify them to hold the following values:
Key name: Logo
Key type: String Value
Key value: The path to your logo file, for example: C:\Windows\System32
Key name: Manufacturer
Key type: String Value
Key value: Your name, or the manufacturer's name, for example: XPto
Key name: SupportHours
Key type: String Value
Key value: Your support hours, for example: Sun – Thu 9am – 5pm
Key name: SupportPhone
Key type: String Value
Key value: Your support phone number, for example: 972-3-9876543
Key name: SupportURL
Key type: String Value
Key value: Your support URL, for example:
Close Regedit.
Note: You can export your settings and make the addition of such settings for more computers by importing the information and OEMLOGO.BMP file to them. In order to export the information, click on the OEMInformation key. Next, go to File > Export, and give the file a name (such as settings.reg). You can then edit the file with Notepad and distribute it to other computers (don't forget the .BMP file).
I added my example of the file for your reference, just copy, paste into a .REG file, and edit it to reflect your own information:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"Manufacturer"="Daniel Petri"
"SupportHours"="Sun-Thu 9am-5pm"
After editing the Registry and pasting the OEMLOGO.BMP file in the right path, go to the My Computer > Properties screen, or press the windows key + Break key.
How can I change or add OEM logo and information on my computer?
Optional items include the manufacturer and model, a small picture, and a button leading to a separate page of support information.
The information is not held in the registry, but in an old-style .INI file, which can be created in any plain-text editor including Windows Notepad.
This file can have two sections:
1. The first section, has a section header called [General], and within that section - two entries:
2.The second section, headed [Support Information], is optional, but if present adds a button with that label to the page. The entries after that heading should be in the form:
and so on. The limit on the number and length of lines seems limited only by the 64 KB general limit on .INI files.
The file should be saved in the %systemroot%\system folder (for Windows 98/ME computers) or in %systemroot%\system32 folder (for W2K/XP/2003 computers) as OEMINFO.INI.
The picture is a 256-colour-Windows bitmap (.BMP) file.
Microsoft states that the size should be 96 pixels square when using small fonts in Display Property settings, or 120 square with large fonts.
The file should be saved in the %systemroot%\system folder (for Windows 98/ME computers) or in %systemroot%\system32 folder (for W2K/XP/2003 computers) as OEMLOGO.BMP.
No other entry in the .INI file is required, but the latter must exist and have a populated [General] section for the bitmap to be visible in Display Properties.
No reboot is necessary in order for the hack to take place. See for yourself.
For example, using this OEMINFO.INI file:
Manufacturer=Self made Computer
Model=Zelda K12
[Support Information]
Line1=Visit my home page at
Line5=For hundreds of tips, tricks, knowledge base articles and much more!
Line7=You can also contact me by using the following e-mail address:
Friday, June 6, 2008
Integrar Drivers Sata/raid/scsi no cd de instalação do WindowsXP
Você precisa de fazer o donwload dos drivers SATA RAID, extraí-lo para a disquete e, em seguida, ao instalar XP, é necessário pressionar F6 para instalar o driver RAID.
No entanto os novos pc's nao trazem drive de disquetes.
É um desperdício de comprar uma unidade de disquetes USB externo apenas a utilizar para instalar o Windows XP.
A fim de não utilizar o unidade de disquetes, você pode integrar o disquete SATA RAID driver no Windows XP CD.
Dessa forma, você pode instalar o Windows XP Num disco rígido SATA sem usar a disquete. Você precisa ter XP CD ou os arquivos fontes (i386) no seu computador, a disquete SATA RAID driver que pode ser descarregado a partir do site do fabricante da motherboard e um CD / DVD virgem.
Aqui estão os passos.
1. Download and install nLite
2. Download SATA driver from manufacturer website and extract it to a new folder.
My motherboard is MSI, so I downloaded the SATA driver from MSI.
3. Run nLite and select the language that you want to display in nLite
4. Specify the Windows XP installation files. If there is a i386 folder at the root of your drive, most probably that can be used. If not, enter your XP CD and browse your disc drive letter. Click Next once done.
5. Click Next again when you’re at Presets.
6. At Task Selection, click Drivers and Bootable ISO . Click Next.
7. Now click Insert button, select “ Multiple driver folder “, choose the folder with extracted drivers and click OK.
Select the shown drivers to integrate. Do not select 64 bit drivers on a 32 bit Windows XP.
Click OK when done selecting the drivers. Click Next.
8. You’ll need to choose the exact type of hardware and OS if listed.
A few textmode integration options will be listed.
You can check the manufacturer’s website to know which chipset is being used.
Select the drivers and click OK and then click Next.
9. Click Yes when asked “ Do you want to start the process? ” The driver integration wouldn’t take more than a minute.
Click Next when done.
10. At the next screen you can create a bootable ISO to burn to CD/DVD, or you can even burn to CD directly using “Direct Burn”.
Congratulations! You now have a new Windows XP CD/DVD that contains SATA RAID drivers. Boot your laptop or desktop with the new XP CD and install as normal.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Windows Update não funciona
Método 1: Registrar o arquivo Wups2.dll no Windows Para registrar o arquivo Wups2.dll no Windows, execute as seguintes etapas:
1 - Interrompa o serviço Atualizações Automáticas. Para fazer isto, execute as seguintes etapas:
a - Clique em Iniciar, em Executar, digite cmd e clique em OK.
b - No prompt de comando, digite o seguinte comando e pressione ENTER: net stop wuauserv
2 - Registre o arquivo Wups2.dll. Para fazer isto, execute as seguintes etapas:
a - No prompt de comando, digite o seguinte comando e pressione ENTER:
regsvr32 %windir%\system32\wups2.dll
Observação: Para um computador executando o Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, digite o seguinte comando e pressione ENTER:
regsvr32 %windir%\syswow64\wups2.dll
b - Clique em OK em cada mensagem de verificação que for exibida.
3 - Inicie o serviço Atualizações Automáticas. Para fazer isto, digite o seguinte comando no prompt de comando e pressione ENTER:
net start wuauserv
4 - Saia do prompt de comando. Para fazer isto, digite exit e pressione ENTER.
Método 2: Baixar e instalar o Windows Update Agent Para resolver esse problema, execute as etapas a seguir:
1 - Baixe a versão apropriada do Windows Update Agent em um local conhecido. Para fazer isto, visite um dos seguintes sites da Microsoft:
AgentWindows, sistemas com base em x86
Windows, sistemas com base em x64
Windows, sistemas com base em processadores Itanium
2 - Clique em Iniciar, em Executar, em Pesquisar, localize o arquivo salvo na etapa 1 e clique em Abrir.
3 - Adicione a opção /wuforce ao final do comando Executar e clique em OK. Por exemplo, o comando Executar pode aparecer da seguinte forma: C:\WindowsUpdateAgent30-x86.exe"/wuforce
4 - Clique em Executar.
5 - Execute as etapas e conclua o assistente.
A informação contida neste artigo aplica-se a:
• Microsoft Windows XP Professional
• Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 Edition
• Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition
• Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition 2002
• Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition 2004
• Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005
• Microsoft Windows XP Tablet PC Edition
• Microsoft Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
How to Build a Windows XP SP3 Integrated Installation CD
You need:
- Old/original Windows XP installation CD (any of SP0 to SP2 will do even though only those from SP2 are supported officially). Make sure to use build 5512 or above.
- Microsoft Windows SP3
- unzipper like WinRar, unrar for Linux / Ubuntu or the like
- ISO creator / CD burn program like mkisofs, InfraRecorder, UltraISO, Basero (or others) or even old school
- Boot image exctracted using BBIE or use this (also see box below)
- ~ 1 GB free tmp space on disk
You do:
- Extract / copy old Windows CD’s content (including hidden files!) to one folder (e.g.
) - extract SP3’s content to another folder (e.g.
) using e.g. unrar, winrar or hit Win+R and typec:\XPSP3\windowsxp-kb936929-sp3-x86-enu.exe –x
and select target folder, here
- To slipstream the old CD do Win+R and copy+paste or type
c:\XPSP3\i386\update\update.exe /integrate:c:\XPCD
- Create bootable CD image or CD using the boot image and your updated folder
. I recommend using mkisofs (Windows or Linux executable) using- mkisofs \
- -b cdboot/msboot.img -no-emul-boot -boot-load-seg 1984 -boot-load-size 4 \
- -iso-level 2 -J -l -D -N -joliet-long -relaxed-filenames \
- -V "WINSP" \
- -o ../winsp.iso .
mkisofs \ -b cdboot/msboot.img -no-emul-boot -boot-load-seg 1984 -boot-load-size 4 \ -iso-level 2 -J -l -D -N -joliet-long -relaxed-filenames \ -V "WINSP" \ -o ../winsp.iso .
from within the root folder of the CD to be, i.e.
. Create a new folder there and drop your boot image, i.e.cdboot/msboot.img
. - Done.
You might want to try booting from the image using VirtualBox.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Ethernet controller - Virtual Box & Windows Vista
Monday, April 28, 2008
Call Back a Wrongly Sent Email in Outlook
Open Sent Items.
Open the sent email then go to Actions menu and click recall this message.
To replace the message:
Select Delete unread copies and replace with a new message, then type whatever you want to replace it. You can also see who the recall was succesful for.
To be notified about the success of the recall or replacement:
Check Tell me if recall succeeds or fails for each recipient.
For Office 2007/2010:
Open Sent Items.
Open the message you wish to recall
Go to the Ribbon.
In the Actions tab, click Other Actions and select Recall This Message.
Choose Delete unread copies of this message.
To see who the recall worked for, check the Tell me if recall succeeds or fails for each recipient.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Set system properties logo and information
On the ‘general’ tab of the ‘System Properties’ dialog (right click ‘My Computer’ and select ‘Properties’) will normally be displayed the manufacturer’s logo, company and support information (assuming these have bee set up). This note describes how to change this or set net information up from scratch.
There are two parts to updating that panel - the graphic and the text information.
To create the text information, create a text file named ‘OEMINFO.INI
’, and place it in ‘c:\winnt\system32
’ (or presumably ‘c:\windows\system32
’ for a Windows 9x variant). The format of the file is as follows:
Manufacturer=Some Manufacturer Name
[Support Information]
Line1=For Technical Support contact:
Line3=Manufacturer service dept.
The first section, "[general]", lists the information shown on the System Properties panel. This can take an optional additional line:
The second section, "[Support Information]", is optional. If added, then the "Support Information" button will appear. Clicking that button brings up a panel with the text listed.
Be aware that leading spaces are ignored, so if you want to indent some text then be sure to enclose it in quotes, for example:
Line1=For Technical Support contact:
Line3=Service dept.
Line4=" Tel: NNN..."
Comments can be added to the OEMINFO.INF
file, and these should be preceded by a semicolon ‘;’ for example:
; Information displayed in System Properties
To add the graphic, create a ‘.BMP’ file containing the graphic, name it ‘OEMLOGO.BMP
’, and place it in the ‘c:\winnt\system32
’ directory. Note that the logo will not appear unless the ‘OEMINFO.INI
’ file exists and has a ‘Manufacturer’ entry. The size of the graphic may need to be altered to get it to fit correctly in the allocated space. The BMP file should be an RGB BMP file sized about:
96 x 96 | Windows 95/98 small fonts |
120 x 120 | Windows 95/98 large fonts |
176 x 110 | Windows 2000 |
172 x 100 | Windows XP |
These sizes are taken from the Microsoft documentation, but there seems to be some degree of variation even on the same operating system so be prepared to tweak the size of the logo to fit best with your target system.
If all you want to do is to simply remove the manufacturer's logo and information then you can do this by simply deleting or renaming the OEMLOGO.BMP
Error: Could not start the DHCP Client Service on local computer
DHCP Client Service may not automatically. When you attempt to start the Service manually, the following error may be displayed:
Error: Could not start the DHCP Client Service on local computer
Error 1068: The dependency service or group failed to start.
The DHCP Client Service in Windows XP, depends on these three components:
- NetBios over Tcpip
- TCP/IP Protocol Driver
If one of the above drivers fail to start, then the DHCP Client Service may not start.
Step I - Make sure that the three driver files are present
Open Windows Explorer and navigate to %Windir%\System32\Drivers folder. Make sure that the following files are present in the folder:
- afd.sys
- tcpip.sys
- netbt.sys
If one or more of the above driver files are missing, extract them from the Windows XP CD-ROM or from the ServicePackFiles\i386 folder, whichever is the latest version.
If any other additional drivers or Services are mentioned in the DEPENDENCIES section, you need to remove them via the registry. Follow these steps:
- Click Start, Run and type Regedit.exe
- Navigate to the following branch:
- Backup the branch to a REG file
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ Dhcp
- Double-click DependOnService value and set its data as follows:
- Close Regedit.exe
Step III - Verify that the Dependency Service / components are running
Next step is to verify that the three dependency components are running. Follow the steps below:
- Click Start, Run and type DEVMGMT.MSC
- In the View menu, click Show hidden devices
- Double-click Non-Plug and Play drivers section
- Double-click the entry AFD, and click the Driver tab
- Set the Startup type to System.
- Start the service. Note down the error message if any.
- Similarly start the two other drivers namely:
- TCP/IP Protocol Driver
- NetBios over Tcpip
- Close Device Manager and restart Windows.
Change the Registered Organization/Owner of Windows XP
[Start] [Run] [Regedit]
Registry Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion
Modify/Create the Value Data Type(s) and Value Name(s) as detailed below.
Data Type: String Value // Value Name: RegisteredOrganization
Data Type: String Value // Value Name: RegisteredOwner
Setting for Value Data: [Modify the Values to Reflect Current Information]
Exit Registry and Reboot
Dell TFT - usb and card reader problems
* Power off the monitor
* Disconnect all cabling from the bottom and/or sides of the monitor (especially the power cord). Disconnecting the power cord releases all circuit latches "resetting" them
* Press and hold the monitor power button down for 5 seconds
* Reconnect only the monitor power cord and either the #1 blue VGA or #2 white DVI (not both)
* Power on the monitor
* The PC should already be on. The monitor should auto sense the #1 blue VGA or #2 white DVI. If it does not, press the Input Select button and change to #1 VGA or #2 DVI
Test the Card Reader and USB ports.
Problemas em Efectuar o LOGIN no WINDOWS XP.
utilizar qualquer programa com boot que dê para aceder ao registry.
Por exemplo: ERD Commander, hiren, ultimate, etc.
No registry:
Verificar - "userinit"
Verificar se o valor é "C:\WINDOWS\system32\userinit.exe"
Se não estiver igual a linha de cima, basta apenas colocar de igual forma e ficará o problema resolvido.
Error codes and it's descriptions
open command line and write:
net helpmsg "error_number"
it will give you description
Outlook Attach file: "Can't create file"
"Can't create file : FAX.TIF. right-click the folder you want to create the file in, and then click Properties on the shorcut menu to chec your permissions for the folder.
Utiliza o REGEDIT.EXE e localiza a chave:
My Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\9.0\Outlook\Security
Altera a chave "OutlookSecureTempFolder", mudando "Temporary Internet Files" por "Temp". Por exemplo:
VALOR ANTIGO: C:\Documents and Settings\ricardosilva\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK33\ (pode ser diferente de 33)
VALOR NOVO: C:\Documents and Settings\ricardosilva\Local Settings\Temp\OLK33\
Reinicia Microsoft Outlook.
Image resizer - powertoy windows xp
regsvr32 shimgvw.dll
regsvr32 %Systemroot%\system32\phototoys.dll
Enable the NUM LOCK key for the logon screen
Run Registry Editor (Regedt32.exe).
Navigate to HKEY_USERS\.Default\Control Panel\Keyboard.
Change the value for InitialKeyboardIndicators from 0 to 2.